4 Qershor 2024
As part of the U2SID - University to society collaborations for inclusive digital transformation in the Western Balkans”, an Erasmus+ Capacity Building Project focusing at promoting comprehensive and inclusive digital transformation in the Western Balkans region, the National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation (NASRI) in Tirana, Albania, has organized today a one-day international workshop to further advance project`s objectives. The purpose of the activity was to exchange ideas on how NASRI can help scientific researchers who apply to national research-development programs, in order to increase their digital skills throughout the life cycle of a project. Furthermore, during the workshop was discussed about the digital services that NASRI currently offers and will offer to scientific researchers, with the aim of facilitating and speeding up the procedures, starting from application, evaluation, financing, implementation, monitoring, until the successful closure of the project.
Very useful and important ideas and inputs were given by the speakers in this activity, who came from both academic and business fields. A special thanks to Prof. As. Ogerta Koruti, Deputy Dean of FGJH, Ms. Albana Laknori, General Secretary of Chamber of Commerce & Industry Tirana, Ms. Aris Tasho - Director of Foreign Relations Office & Project's Department at Chamber of Commerce & Industry Tirana, Ph. D. Suela Maxhelaku, UT-FSHN and Project leader, Ms. Erida Curraj SCIDEV, Prof. Nataša Krivokapić from University of Montenegro who joined us online, and also to all our U2SID partners.
Discussing how HEIs, business and also many other institutions, need to be rendered more aware of the concept of "the digital culture". How to educate academic staff and students with digital skills and everything related to the use of technology in teaching, learning and scientific research? What is the role of NASRI to support HEIs and business in this process? What are the challenges and what are some of the ways to face them? These and many others were discussed today at this table of colleagues and professionals.