National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation/NASRI and Gender Equality Plan
This consists in a set of actions aimed at achieving gender equality at NASRI.
NASRI is aware that gender equality plan may strongly vary, depending on the type of organization, the institutional context in which it is implemented, the disciplines addressed, or the type of gender biases and inequalities identified as part of the diagnosis.
The way gender biases and inequalities themselves are being addressed can also vary, along with the chosen approach and the availability of internal or external gender expertise. Recently, gender bias and inequalities have been increasingly addressed taking into account their intersection with other inequality grounds such as disability, age, sexual orientation, religion or ethnicity.
Addressing other inequalities intersecting with gender may offer efficient leverages for change and can also inspire comprehensive actions and strategies. It should also be taken into account that it also requires more analytical resources, data and a broader range of expertise than tackling gender separately from other inequality grounds.
A Gender Equality Plan can be seen in different steps or phases, each requiring specific types of interventions:
- An analysis phase, in which sex-disaggregated data is collected; procedures, processes and practices are critically assessed with a view to detect gender inequalities and gender bias.
- A planning phase, in which objectives are defined, targets are set, actions and measures to remedy the identified problems are decided, resources and responsibilities are attributed, and timelines are agreed upon.
- An implementation phase, in which activities are implemented and outreach efforts are undertaken so as to gradually expand the network of stakeholders.
- A monitoring phase, in which the process and the progress are regularly followed through and assessed. Findings from the monitoring exercise(s) allow to adjust and to improve interventions, so that their results can be optimized.