Title of the project: EU Twinning Light “Strengthening the science and research ecosystem in Albania”
Duration: 10 month (2023-2024)
Budget: 250 000 EUR
About the instrument: Twinning is a European Union instrument for institutional cooperation between Public Administrations of EU Member States and of beneficiary or partner countries as Georgia. Twinning projects bring together public sector expertise from EU Member States and beneficiary countries with the aim of achieving concrete mandatory operational results through peer to peer activities.
MS body responsible for implementation:
Joanneum Research (JR), Austria
in cooperation with
Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Austria
Austria Research Promotion Agency (FFG), Austria
DLR Project Management Agency (DLR), Germany
Daugavpils University (DU), Latvia
Beneficiary Administration:
National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation (NASRI)
Overall Objective:
Strengthening the institutional capacities of National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation on implementing its mandate in line with requirements of the acquis on science and research.
Specific objective:
To strengthen the capacities of the National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation to address the inadequacies in the transposition and implementation of the acquis related to scientific research and innovation.
The project is structured into three Components:
Component 1: Legal framework and secondary legislation in the field of scientific research improved.
Result 1.1 Guidance and recommendations to reform and implement the new law on scientific research and innovation in line with EU regulations and instructions through gap analysis and identifications of shortcomings, provided.
Component 2: Institutional and administrative capacities of the National Agency for Scientific research and innovation (NASRI), enhanced.
Result 2.1 Assistance to prepare the Functional Review of the agency and its governance structures, provided.
Result 2.2. Assistance in drafting new NASRI Communication and Visibility Plan provided.
Result 2.3. Human resources capacities trained based on the EU programmes and EU best practices.
Result 2.4 Support in drafting new Manual of Procedures for internal use, provided.
Result 2.5 Establishment of an Incentives Plan to increase participation and success rate of Albanian researchers and innovators in European Research Programmes.
Result 2.6 Development of a network of trained support agents and accompanying specialization programmes.
Component 3: A road map for the strategic development of NASRI, prepared.
Result 3.1 Guidance document for strategic development of NASRI, based on the successful examples / good practices of similar European institutions, prepared.
Result 3.2 A draft-action plan that outlines the change solutions to be developed and defines the success indicators based on information and data analysis, prepared;
Newsletter No 1 : EU Twinning Light “Strengthening the science and research ecosystem in Albania”
- IPA-Twining – kick-off meeting - https://nasri.gov.al/ipa-twining-kick-off-meeting/