In the framework of USIA project , #ET as a WP2 leader, held the first bilateral meeting with UNIVERSITETI MESDHETAR I SHQIPERISE, to review the draft manual of USIA unit and to discuss further details to be added both to the Manual in general as well as to the Customized Manual for MUA.
UET project team presented the base draft of the manual whilethe other participants contributed in the discussions byproviding comments and recommendations.
MUA representatives also gave their feedback on the Manualand proposed to the UET team to prepare a checklist for alluniversities after bilateral meeting.
NASRI offered their support to help with the legal frameworkand suggestions on the sustainability and transfer of knowledgeto other HEIs after the project is over.
SCIDEV – recommended thinking about the financialsustainability of USIA unit as the main element for the successand lifespan of USIA unit.
This activity ensures the quality in providing the WP2 finalproduct that is the #USIA unit manual, which will be prepared in 5 final drafts corresponding 5 universities’ needs and profiles.