Project main result:
Through the identification of best practices on BG innovation policies and performance assessment, key areas of intervention will be selected, and a set of benchmarking and mutual learning tools will be implemented by means of cross-fertilization, learning and matchmaking events. The development of technical tools for the improvement of future regional/national S3, the macro-regional S3 analysis on BG, the technology foresight on BG in AIR programme area, the pilot EDP and the identification of best practices on BG will also contribute to the programme results. The project activities will positively impact on enhancing the institutional capacities of the quadruple helix innovation actors in defining a common joint approach towards the implementation of S3 policies on Blue Growth at macro-regional level. Moreover, IPA countries which are still defining their first S3, will strongly benefit from mutual learning processes and project tools aimed at the construction of a joint S3 on BG common for the A-I area. The establishment of the transnational Blue Air innovation community embracing BG actors from the whole ADRION area and beyond will further support the mutual collaboration and the commitment towards the adoption of a permanent transnational approach in the shaping of innovation policies on Blue Growth.
For more information: https://blueair.adrioninterreg.eu/